Senin, 04 Juli 2011

How to Restore Weaving Thomas Sigar Minahasa

THOMAS Sigar reinforces eksitensinya as a fabric designer who raised the archipelago. This time, he chose 59-year-woven Minahasa. Weaving Minahasa had disappeared since 200 yearsago. It made people borrow Minahasa woven fabric Now, the present re-woven fabric through the creation of Thomas Sigar. Through "TheEnchanting Culture of Minahasa," Thomas offered motifs woven silk patola patola and hand prints on chiffon and silk that modern ethnic breathing. "There are elements of the original Minahasa present edthrough a woven fabric and print, silk, and fabric patola. From eachmotif its name, there is always the name kaiwu (woven). Slowly approaching the original motives and views on this fabric (fabricMinahasa) , "said Thomas Sigar when talking with the media prior to performances of" The Enchanting Culture of Minahasa ",Ballroom Theater XXI Jakarta, Jakarta, Thursday (30/06/2011).
Manado bloody fashion designer is a man who rediscovered the old motifs woven Minahasa. Since 2005, along with Benny J Mamoto ofthe Art Institute of Culture of North Sulawesi (ISBSU), Thomas initiated a revival of weaving Minahasa. This humble man moving from research to field research books. "We try to be original motives were retained. If the cloth is usually a lot of disposable Minahasa mermaid motif. We try to find the books overseas so that we can take back the other motifs, such as strokes of the stone made into fabrics," said Thomas who in 1973-1974 studied at the Ecole Superieure d'Arts Graphiques d'Arts and the AcademieJulien, Paris, France.
In addition to the form of silk weaving, the new refined motif was also transferred into the hand print motif (handmade printing) over chiffon and silk. In 2009, ISBSU introduce pinawetengan patterned woven fabric, pinatembega, and pinabia through performances by Thomas Sigar "Lost Treasure of Minahasa." So, what are the bottlenecks Minahasa Thomas to restore the fabric? According to Thomas, weaving high plus the inclusion of religion has left on the 19th century-who consider the motives of Minahasa cloth symbolizing the ancient idolatry-the cause of the disappearance of Minahasa woven from 200 years ago. "We're not trying top opularize idolatry, hereditary customs that we maintain. The purpose of our precious, want to give identity to the Minahasa tribestarts from the fabric," said Thomas who in 1997 developed thecultural heritage of Indonesia in the form of fashion.
Motif patola be highlighted performances of "The Enchanting Culture of Minahasa." Ornamentation is present in the form ofrepeated and regular composition similar to the snake or swervelaid out following the movement of reptiles, well above the wovensilk fabric and hand print pattern as a motif on silk and chiffon. Toillustrate the influence of India in woven fabric processing Minahasa recently, Thomas worked on the fabric-fabric Sigar into Indian-styleclothing, the influence of animism mixed with domination of the brown wood, pale green foliage, and gray rocks.
Displaying 25 women's clothing and men in everyday style, the collection opens with 13 women's and men's fashion designs patterned traditional use kaiwu patola, pinawetengan, pinatikan,and tembegu. The design got a touch of rock in some parts to adorn the collection. "As a designer, I take a motif that can be made in the form of fabric, hand motifs, and can be used for different situations.So there are few ready-made, the trend," he concluded. The performance ended ornate design of the top real bird feathers,which followed the procession dances featuring traditional Minahasa culture from various aspects.

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