For the fans must have been familiar with bags bags with brand name'Givenchy'. This bag is one of the world celebrities favorite bag. Artistsof the world such as Heidi Klum, Asley Oslen, Kim Kadarshian, MaryKate Oslen, Lily Allen, and Beyonce is often seen using Givenchy bag.
Minggu, 29 Mei 2011
"Givenchy" bag of Hollywood celebrities Mainstay
For the fans must have been familiar with bags bags with brand name'Givenchy'. This bag is one of the world celebrities favorite bag. Artistsof the world such as Heidi Klum, Asley Oslen, Kim Kadarshian, MaryKate Oslen, Lily Allen, and Beyonce is often seen using Givenchy bag.
Givenchy was first established in 1952 in Paris by Hubert de Givenchy.Besides handbags, Givenchy also famous for its clothing products,perfumes, accessories and cosmetics. The design of the famousGivenchy handbags are feminine but also masculine impression. BagsGivenchy impressed unique because there are additional rope for those who want to wear on the shoulders and in jinjing.Untuk get thesebags from Givenchy Givenchy can be found in boutiques, PlazaIndonesia 1st floor.
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