However, it is interesting to note not only of the variation range ofmotif scarf presented by designers, but the way they wrapped thescarf around the neck to make it look more stylish. Call it the DonnaKaran is inspired by the use of scarves a la Jackie O. On the runwayat New York Fashion Week DKNY, Karan presents two styles use a scarf, which is wrapped tightly around his neck and letting looseends freely in the back like a Jackie Onassis-style while on horseback.
The second style, the scarf is folded to form a triangle, then tied to form gaucho style is simple but still chic. Karan was not just a scarfcombines breathing with feminine dresses, but with a shirt andblazer suits sporty casual style or a sweetener in a matchingsweater and capri pants. Meanwhile, Marc Jacobs, for his resortcollection for Louis Vuitton, presents a scarf in the breath is simpleand practical. Louis Vuitton scarf comes with a metal key at the end that allows users to conclude without having tied a scarf.
"Scarves for this resort collection comes with a metal clasp so it is more practical to use," said Louis Vuitton Indonesia Public Relations Cecilia King, who also said that the collection of the resortare available at Louis Vuitton boutique in Plaza Indonesia.Furthermore, Fashion Director Tammy Vipperman Talbots said to present the appearance of a casual, yet chic with a scarf, no need to use a knot that is too complicated.
"There is no need to conclude a scarf in a style that is toocomplicated because it will make the appearance lookunbalanced," said Vipperman.Untuk, he suggests some simpleknot that will be able to make an appearance looks simple butstylish. "The easiest thing is to be creative with shaped scarfrectangle, "said Vipperman." you can fold the triangle-shaped, andconcluded both ends behind the neck, "he said. Or, if the appearance of the classic style of Marilyn Monroe and Grace Kellyas you want, Vipperman advised to make a scarf in a long, thinfolds are then summed up on the side of the neck.
"Wear a cute knot with a shirt and jeans for a masculineappearance sekaliguschic," he explained. When I want to feelwarm and stylish all at once, Vipperman recommend using a scarfknitted scarves instead of cloth. For a casual look, you simplywrapped loosely around the neck or knotted like a tie and let theends dangle in front of the body length. "The use of such is the foundation of all styles knot scarf," said Vipperman. However, if you want a little style, try using a scarf that has a built-in alias rufflesscarf that has a rubber that is more flexible than the usual scarf. Toview a more formal scarves, rectangular scarves Vippermansuggested bermaterial soft, like silk or satin, which folded in triangular form and then concluded asymmetrical.
"Tie a knot in one part of the neck, on the left or the right and let thescarf looks from behind a shirt or coat you use," he said, explainingthe use of the similar style of scarf presented by Prada. Differentmaterials, different ways to summarize. For cashmere scarf withfringe at the edges, Vipperman advocate the use of masculine style."Let the scarf fell in front of the body or inferred simply by folding it inhalf, then insert both ends into the base of the folded scarf and pullup to the neck," he explained .
Meanwhile, to show the style of boho, scarves are the most suitableis a long scarf with fringed ends. "Use the asymmetrical with one end longer than the other," he said. Not only is wrapped around the neck, a scarf can look attractive as a hair accessory. Scarves withunique motifs can look cute as a bandana, while the moremasculine hue and abstracts can be used as a rebel or a bohemianheadbanuntuk display. Want to look stylish cowgirl? Move the scarffrom her head and wrap around the wrist instead of bangles. In addition, the scarf can also be a sweetener tangan.Pilih bagpatterned scarf in a contrasting color or fun tone with a bag who want to wear, then wrap and scarf on handletas conclude, let theends dangle down to look more chic bag. oke zone
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