Entering the second day, performances IFF again feature 17designers, including 13 designers from Indonesia and four others were from Kuala Lumpur.Located in the Grand Ballroom of Hotel Royal Panghegar Bandung,the designers showed their prowess IFF 2011 reflect the major themes, namely "Moghul Splendour".
Other designers of interest is Nuniek Mawardi. Nuniek featuring the theme "The Great Inculturation" on occasion. Inspiration diusungnyathe third of the nation's Moghul dynasty, which has a king JalaludinAkbar. To represent the era, Nuniek take elegant side with the viewthat there is a war shirt beret and horn in the shoulder. In this collection, Nuniek using bold color, natural color and turquoise infive koleksinya.Ya, view the design of the overall Indonesian fashiondesigners do look attractive, not even across the country lose competitiveness with both in terms of models and also creativity.
"They (Malaysia) in the mode is still lacking. In making theircollections are still creating clothes that fit in the body. While wehave clear corridors and in accordance with Islamic rules because in our own organization had indeed agreed to the conditions that exist. As designers, we do have a commitment and should not beperfunctory. Nevertheless, we were still in the process of learning to date. Although in the Islamic sense of fashion or still less, in theirmore advanced contemporary fashion. that's what needs to be synergized, "Iva Lativah clear. oke zone
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