In addition to organizing the event in Kuala Lumpur, as the originator of the country commanded by Dato 'Raja Rezza Shah, IFF safarishow held in various countries, particularly countries that have the largest Muslim populations like Indonesia or Malaysia. "Early Junewas just yesterday we held a show in Singapore, then continued in Bandung, and crossed the planned early next month to Astana,Kazakhstan, and on July 15 in London tomorrow," said Dato 'RajaRezza Shah at a press conference at the Hotel Grand RoyalPanghegar, Bandung, on Saturday (06/25/2011).
the move is part of the IFF mission is to make the center of Muslim fashions. Affirmed Dato 'Rezza, it is not just a dream. Since the first held in 2006 in Kuala Lumpur, the IFF has also success fully held ashow in Abu Dhabi, Dubai, Jakarta, Monte Carlo, New York and Singapore. In such event, no fewer than 250 designers from various religious backgrounds and contribute in it.
"Since the inaugural pascatragedi blue print September 11, we're always responsive created through the development of the IFFevent. But it certainly requires a process that not a minute,"continued augment.more Dato 'Rezza reveal, show business is notonly about the promotion of the IFF mode but also touches the realm of mere economics and business. According to him, to become the industry demand is certainly needed. And of creating 'demand' thistakes time.
"Muslim Clothing has long been created but are rarely used commercially. That's what we want to make happen," originator of IFF, Dato 'Rezza also have specific targets in the achievement of the event, which ."For the first five years, our focus with the introduction where the expectation is Moslem can be known to the public at large. Thus, wehave a long hard work mainly to demand in order to create the industry can develop as well as non-Muslims want to use the Muslim fashion," he concluded. oke zone
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